Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hello 2015!

We celebrated New year's eve at our new condo in KL (will blog more about this later). In previous years we used to stay up and watch fireworks and lepak lama lama... But since the babies arrived they would sleep way before fireworks so it really isn't the same anymore.

Hello 2015, I am so looking forward to the many many outings, travelling and small achievements that I wish to do this year!

Here's my list:

1. Use up my YTL membership coupons
2. Cook delight-able dishes and improve on certain recipes (I have managed lamb meatballs spaghetti, Philly steak sandwich and honey roasted chicken wings so far!)
3. Enroll Riaz & Ariz into a swimming class
4. Focus on becoming a knowledgeable blogger and a better writer
5. Take better pictures with my DSLR
6. Become a part time journalist (lifestyle)
5. Start a mini makeup studio
6. Move into a new house with a swanky ID work
7. Perform umrah with my babies
8. Start an online business with a beloved friend (long overdue)

I'm leaving number 9 and 10 blank for now to give room for some "ambition options" later on. I can get veryyyyy obsessed with my resolutions, I probably will disseminate they into which quarter or part of the year I wish for them to be realized. Right now number 1,2 and 6 looks quite achievable. For others, I have to really work on it.

Cheers to 2015. Here's to making more successes. Memories. And instagram snapshots ;)

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